Discourse Community Map and Response

Communication is needed through every aspect of life. It’s there to helps us understand things properly which enables us to learn, work more effectively and maintain relationships with people. Advances with communication has tremendously changed the way we communicate by making it easier to do so. It no longer has to be done orally or jotted down but can be accomplished through many different genres of communication. These genres of communication pertain to everyday life and are there for your convenience. These conveniences make communicating through any discourse community prompt, painless and beneficial.
When I wash my car every Wednesday, I am getting it ready for the “JDM Cruz”. This cruz is held at certain places every Wednesday night; and, in order to find out where it is being held, you need to communicate with the person organizing the event. This could be done through many different genres of communication. For instance, it could be done via text, facebook, or maybe even orally while talking to one of your friends and the subject comes up. Communication in this scene isn’t only just for finding out where the cruz is but also for sharing ideas. We all share the same common goals which is nice, because, we can take the opinion and input of others and incorporate those ideas to achieve the goals of having a nice looking car that can really haul when necessary. These ideas are usually shared through many different ways such as blogs, jdm forms, magazines, and tuner television shows. When we share these ideas, we usually have a specialized form of language which we all can understand like, “hey bro, your car would look clean dunked with some deep dishes” or “man, your cars hella flush” pretty much saying your car is really low and a set of nice rims with a big off set will make it even better. 
When I go to work everyday, communication is needed in order for me to fulfill the requirements I was given. My managers post up a bulletin everyday in the back room for us, so we can see our desired quota for the day and where we are positioned. They also use other genres of communication as well such as text messages, to inform us of meetings or schedule changes, or e mails, to talk to us about certain improvements that must be made to increase revenue. They also use magazines  as another form of communication. They like to market their clothes through it and inform the readers of special sales they are offering. In this particular discourse community, oral communication is the key to make sure we are working together and selling clothes to our customers, which happens to be one of our primary goals. We strive to communicate with people to convince them to purchase some of our merchandise. There are also certain conventions we need to follow when working. These conventions are in place to maintain a certain standard they have established. Some of them are dressing nice, being well groomed, and saying the appropriate tag line for the day.
Communication is also used to better our environment. Every where you go you see different genres of communication advocating recycling. These genres can be billboards, posters, web sites, flyers and e mails encouraging people to recycle. We advertise this, so we can attain the goals of bettering our planet by conserving materials and picking up trash that was just left on the floor. They also have jargons, symbols and little catch phrases to remind you to recycle. Now whenever I see someone throwing away a plastic bottle I like to say “put it in the blue” meaning throw your bottle away in the blue recycling bin. 
Pursuing a pharmacy degree is not a feat easily accomplished, there is a lot of work involved. At times I must communicate with someone in order to understand what is expected from me. When my professors give me homework and I don't comprehend the concept of the assignment, one genre of communication I use is e-mail. These
e-mails however would differ in format and content from the types I would send to a friend. They would take on a professional tone, so it would be taken seriously. Texting messages are also a genre of communication we use for pre-pharmacy. Just the other day, I received a message from one of my peers informing me of a meeting that had been reschedule. Being part of the pre-pharmacy program allows me to be grouped with others who share a common goal. We are aware that pre-pharmacy is a challenging degree, so we all communicate to help each other on assignments and disseminate important information to ensure that we accomplish the goal of graduating with that degree. Communicating with one another is vital to ensure success in any discourse community. Through communication, we expand our opportunities to learn, form relationships, and improve ourselves as individuals.