Annotated bibliography

Cody, M., & Lynn, R. R. (1992). Honest Government AN ETHICS GUIDE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE (pp. 1-10). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger London. Retrieved October, 2010
The authors Cody and Lynn clearly state their purposes for writing this book in the title. Through out this book they bring up several cases to prove that elected officials have not been following their ethic guidelines. With that said, they then begin to go into detail about characteristics and attributes that our elected officials should acquire in order to have an honest government.  Their information that they have used to show the reader about ethics was cited from a from a reliable source making this book credible. This book deals with my topic showing the readers ethics that our government officials should uphold and how they haven't.
Heidenheimer, A. J., & Johnston, M. (2002). Political Corruption (pp. 329-332). Transaction Publishers. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from
Heidenheimer and Johnston show the reader that the over looking of ethics in politics has become so bad that it’s corruption. Heideneimer and Johnston talk about the acceptance of bribery given to elected officials to get investment licenses giving others no reason to want to invest. The author also talks about incidents where officials will uses public resources, meant to benefit the public, for their own personal purposes. Business owners as well are affected by politician failing to maintain their ethics. The authors show the readers how business owners rely on government officials because they supply 
permits and licenses, these government goods however, are heavily taxed, hoping to slow down the production of goods which causes the government to pay an investment cost. The authors information is very credible, giving many references throughout his booking showing where they obtained their information. This Book shows how political leaders once again over look their ethics using resources only for personal benefit, which is directly connected to my topic of political ethics
Jackson, B. (2008, February 8). Smear or Be Smeared? Fact check, 1. Retrieved October 6, 2010, from
In this article author Brooks Jackson points out the unethical Behavior by the Democratic party. The DNC (democratic national party) plan to spend unlimited amount of money to tell the people what they think the real story is about Republican John Mccain. The unethical part, that Jackson proves to the reader, is that the statements being made by the Democratic party are not entirely true and are very misleading. However, Jackson then goes on to explain the reasoning behind their attack saying the Republicans were just as ready to fabricate stories about them, showing but sides being unethical. The information in this article is all cited with numerous different citations making his information very credible. The article is relevant to my topic because it shows how our elected officials have been neglecting their standard of ethics.
Joubert, J. (2009). Corrupt practices. In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed., p. 1). Retrieved October 4, 2010, from
Joubert in this entry, gives an over view of political ethics and how failing to enforce those ethics lead to corruption.pastedGraphic.pdf His main focus through out his entry was introducing the idea of bribery, granting public contracts to favored people, and the giving of land franchises, in hopes of influencing the people for votes and campaign donations. He then gives several examples on how politicians use loopholes to increase their campaign spending through “soft money” and “party building”, which has no contribution limits.  They use these to loopholes to undermined several acts that were passed trying to limit their contributions. The evasions of these acts have dubbed the name “corrupt practices” due to immoral operation of these politician, showing no ethics.
Miller, S A. "Senate Passes Ethics Reform by 96-2 Margin; Democrats Agree to Line-Item Vote." The Washington Times 19 Jan. 2007. Web. Oct. 2010.
In this newspaper article the author Miller writes to inform the reader on a bill passed for an ethics reform. This reform was put into place because so many people were having trouble keeping faith in government. To ensure the people they are fixing our officials unethical problems they have listed several more constraints against elected officials to keep them from violating their ethics. This newspaper article is relevant towards my topic because it deals with political ethics.
Novak, V. (2010, March 12). The deems ethical embarrassments . Retrieved October 1, 2010, from
Novak, throughout her article, shows several examples on how each party has over looked their ethics. Her article starts off by giving the readers a video produced by 
the Republicans showing several examples on how the democrats have failed to uphold these ethics. However, the video is not to specific on the cases so Novak goes into further detail about them. Novak then goes on into detail about cases where several Republicans have failed to use their ethics and take responsibility for their actions. Viveca has won a number of awards on her investigating reports of politics, making her information very credible. The article written is fairly recent and shows not one party but both parties being unethical, reveling each party’s failure at upholding their ethics, which is related to my topic of political ethics.
Philpot, D. (2003). Argument and Change in World Politics: Ethics, Decolonization, and Humanitarian Intervention. Ethics & International Affairs, 17, 1. Retrieved October, 2010
Philpott, through out his article emphasizes on the idea of  Neta Crawford’s thoughts of ethics in politics.  Crawford’s shows the reader that the practice of ethics in politics helps ease the persuasion of people and helps change people’s minds overall, helping things change but in a more positive way. She then suggest  that through the practice of ethics it will then bring a sense of humanitarianism, decolonizing our improper practices within our politics. This journal article pertains to my topic of political ethics by showing the reader and giving the reader several examples of how the practice of ethics within out government can be beneficial.